Welcome to the

AK Installationer ApS

Welcome to AK Installationer ApS

Focus on quality work and customer satisfaction

AK Installationer ApS is your reliable partner for electrician and installation work in Viborg and Ikast. We pride ourselves on offering professional and comprehensive electrical solutions for both residential and commercial customers.

We base our business on clear values that reflect our commitment to quality and reliability:

  • Quality work: We always strive to deliver the best quality work. Our experienced team of skilled electricians guarantees that every project is carried out with care and precision.
  • Customer satisfaction: Customer satisfaction is our top priority. We listen to our customers’ needs and make sure to deliver tailored solutions that meet their expectations.
  • Environmentally friendly: We are committed to protecting the environment. Our use of green energy solutions, such as solar panels and heat pumps, is part of our efforts to promote sustainable energy production.

What can we offer?

AK Installationer ApS offers a wide range of electrician and installation services:

  • Electrician work: We perform installations, repairs and maintenance of electrical systems with expertise and precision. Our goal is to ensure your electrical installations run smoothly and safely.
  • Photovoltaics: We specialize in installing solar panels that allow you to harness the sun’s energy to reduce your energy costs and protect the environment.
  • Heat pumps: Our heat pump service includes the installation and maintenance of energy-efficient heat pumps that can heat your home or business efficiently and sustainably.

We look forward to working with you and providing the best electrical and installation solutions in the area. Contact us today on (+45) 60 40 74 17 or send an email to carsten@ak-installationer.dk to learn more about our services and receive a free consultation.


Heat pump private

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Heat pump commercial / industrial

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Solar cells

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Contact us

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Contact us today

AK Installationer ApS
Nellikevej 5, 8800 Viborg

Saturnvej 7, 7430 Ikast

(+45) 60 40 74 17

CVR no.: 34701032